I am a Robotics Master's student at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Engineer by Profession, Problem Solver by Heart

I follow the philosophy of working hard so as to make life easy. Driven by this, I like to work smart and differently. My research interests lie in the field of Computer Vision and Robotics. Possess an enthusiasm for learning new skills and technology.

Recent Work

3D Object Detection

Developed a pipeline to detect 3D Bounding Boxes from LiDAR points in an unsupervised fashion

Visual Sensor Fusion

Low-level and Mid-Level Visual Fusion of 3D LiDAR points with the 2D Object detection

Underwater Simulator: Oyster Detector

Development of an underwater simulator which will be used for oysters detection for the project

AR Tag Detection

Detected AR Tag in the video and superimposed an image on top of it

Auto Pano

Panoramic image stitching using Classical and Deep Learning approaches

Iceberg: Restaurnt Serving Robot

Modelled and simulated a 7 degree of freedom mobile robot to serve customers in a restaurant environment

Project FINDER

A ROS C++ package for Swarm of 20 robots(TurtleBot3) to perform a search and rescue operation

Dijkstra Path Planning

Implemented Dijkstra path planning algorithm. Clearance distance from obstacles set dyanmically during run-time

Get In Touch

Feel free to contact me. I would love to hear from you. Any comment or feedback is appreciated.